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Oil meters, energy meters, water meters, Internet-of-Things and smart metering

29 October 2018

Focus on LoRa at Swedenergy conference

Focus on LoRa at Swedenergy's metering conference

The annual conference of district heating substations and energy meters has come to an end. Ambiductor was there to learn, lecture and exchange experiences. On site there were many of Sweden's all energy companies. Here's a bit of what we saw.

During two intensive days at the Swedenergy conference in Gothenburg we went through laws, experiences and developments in the district heating industry.

The Act on Electronic Communications

The National Post and Telecom Agency was there to report on the Electronic Communications Act, which entered into force in 2003.

The LoRa-cake

In our booth we showed everything from water meters and energy meters to level sensors, door alarms, temperature sensors, etc. - all connected through LoRa.

Communication solution of the future

The conference was interactive with the opportunity for participants to vote in interesting questions. Instead of some options, it was ruled by free text. The one who received the most votes ended up in larger text in the middle. Exciting results on communication solution where LoRa got the most votes.

Full house during our lecture

The conference filled with interesting and intelligent questions when Ambiductor spoke on Internet-of-Things.

IoT at next year's conference

The conference ended with a vote on next year's theme.


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