Easily installable sensors that compare the road surface with the dew point in the air provide the necessary information to prevent slipping.
During weeks 6 and 7, Ambiductor will participate in Ahlsell's Fiber IoT on Tour, where we will visit six different locations to showcase our innovative solutions within smart sensors and connected water and energy meters.
At the end of 2024, Anneli Lundahl joined Ambiductor as the new sales manager. Her responsibility is to lead the work to secure and increase the company's business within utilities, real estate, district heating, etc.
Oil meters, energy meters and water meters
Software, Internet-of-Things and smart metering
With years of experience in metrology, communications, control systems and fluid technology, we can give you a accurate, secure and safe solution tailored to your needs.
Products for Internet-of-Things using cell phone networks
Press releases
With the LoRa technology, we got meters that with battery operation showed correct daily values with the same accuracy as required on electricity meters. At the same time, we covered a sufficiently large area, unlike traditional technology. Ambiductor is the supplier that is technically at the forefront when it comes to Lora, so it was natural for us to choose them as partners in this project.

Sustainability policy
We want to contribute to a better and a cleaner world. We want sustainable development continually reduce our impact on the environment.
Our environmental work includes that we:
- Meet or exceed all applicable regulatory requirements and other obligations.
- Establish and enforce our own environmental standards and objectives.
- Document and assess the size of our footprint on the environment to provide the opportunity to compensate.
- Work for optimizing energy efficiency throughout our operations. In cases where it is practical and economically feasible, use best available techniques.
- Apply and develop our waste separation, energy and recycling.