Water 2023: Smarter handling of meter data reveals weaknesses in the utility network

The need for investments in the municipal utility networks is extensive and the costs for service and maintenance are increasing. In order to meet the challenges and create a better picture of which tasks should be prioritized, Swedish utililty companies have developed a new system for handling measurement data in collaboration with the technology company Ambiductor. A demo version of the analysis tool Ambisolution will be shown at the water fair in Gothenburg on October 24-26.
- AmbiSolution is a platform that validates, presents and exports all data from meters and other sensors. We will have a live demo where you can see historical data and instantaneous measurement via an actual demo facility in the hall
AmbiSolution has been developed in collaboration with Swedish utlility companies to solve the many difficult tasks the industry is facing.
-With large investment needs in the distribution networks, numerous and costly leaks and low level of digitization, the need is very great for a system that can meet these challenges
He points out that Ambisolution should not be compared to general IoT platforms that only collect and visualize data.
-All data is validated and saved time-controlled for several years' future needs. Data is owned by the customer and can be stored long-term on a server within the own organization. Data is refined to find connections, anomalies and reduces the need for detours and wrongly focused service efforts.
Through the system, the utility companies get the opportunity to search for leaks in the network to both detect and locate measures. All meters can be divided into zones for customized analysis and visualization. Zones can also contain other sensors such as pressure sensors, temperature sensors, turbidity sensors and rain meters.
- We notice a growing interest in our products and systems that are based on openness and manufacturer independence. The fair gives us the opportunity to show the strength of LoRa technology, where we are today the industry leader, as well as new ways for our customers to manage the collected data to save resources and develop the business.
Contact: Karl-Johan Hultman
Telephone: +468-409 046 61
About Ambiductor
Ambiductor has supplied the Swedish market with water meters and energy meters since 2010. The company was the first in Europe with IoT-connected, certified district heating meters. Today, a variety of smart sensors are delivered in VA, district heating, real estate and society.
For the meters, there is a measurement data management software AmbiSolution. Ambiductor cooperates with operators such as Netmore, Telia, Tele2, Telenor, Stadshubbsalliansen, Servanet and others. The company does not provide its own radio networks. This is to create an open market without lock-in effects. With Ambiductor's solutions, total freedom of choice is maintained.
Today, the company leads the IoT industry with the most LoRa-connected meters in Sweden and is an active participant in debates and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to deep knowledge in communication, the company also participates in the development of new industry rules regarding measurement technology. The explanations for the company's rapid organic growth are openness, knowledge and reliability.
Welcome to visit Ambiductor at the Vatten 2023 trade fair. We stand in stand B07:62.
The fair runs October 24-26 in the Swedish fair, Mässans Gata/Korsvägen in Gothenburg.
Get your ticket via https://tickets.svenskamassan.se/projects/esuccess/bin/iisclt.cia?n&OpenSession&esproject&20023&21639&900972023&&ProjectId=43633&KampId=XNET101028;0
In English: https://tickets.svenskamassan.se/projects/esuccess/bin/iisclt.cia?n&OpenSession&esproject&20023&21639&300972023&&ProjectId=43633&KampId=XNET101028;0